Saturday, June 6, 2009

Protect That Brain! Eggheads

This format is a bit different because I used it in my math & science class.

Materials: Eggs, newspaper, markers, scissors, tape, various materials to construct with (Examples: fabric, rubber bands, styrofoam, bubble wrap, egg cartons, cardboard, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, straws, anti-slip mat, etc.)

Objectives: Observing, comparing, and communicating. Discover why we wear helmets when we ride our wheeled toys.

Age Group: Preschool

Procedure: Your brain controls your entire body. You brain helps you move and think and learn! Our brains are soft and they are protected by our bony skull, just like the inside of an egg is protected by the shell.

Invite the children to draw faces on the eggs and create various helmets from the supplied materials to protect their “eggheads.”

Drop the eggs wearing the helmets from about waist height. If the eggs break while wearing the helmet you can ask “Was the helmet unsafe?”, “Did the egg fall at an angle so that it was not protected?”, “How would you make the best helmet?”

Scaling up: Challenge children to protect eggs dropped from a higher level.

Scaling down: Have a few egg-helmets ready made for trials. Or cut apart egg cartons for the helmets to eliminate the construction part.

Safety Concern: Raw egg can contain salmonella bacteria. Keep eggs cold until ready to use. Wash hands thoroughly! You could cook the eggs beforehand.

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