Saturday, May 23, 2009

Roly-Poly Science

C is fascinated by these little guys and in just the time it takes to unload the car of groceries, he's gathered a handful. So playing from his curiousity, I came up with some questions to ask him about the bug that rolls into a ball and gave him a magnifyin glass to get a closer look.

Tell me what they look like?
What do you think roly-polys eat?
Tell me about your roly-poly.
How do they move?
Which end is the head and which is the tail? How can you tell?
Why do you think it curls up in a ball?
Can you tell me something else that is the same size as the roly-poly?

Want to know more? Read A Pill Bug's Life by John Himmelman, Children's Press, 2000.

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