Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Day - a poem for mothers of kindergarteners

I left my last baby at kindergarten today. It's a bittersweet moment for me as it also marks the end of my time as a stay-at-home-mom. I want to share this poem for those of you saying a tearful good-bye to preschoolers and embarking on a new journey with your kindergartener!

First Day
Every one has a "First Day"
when they feel sad and all alone.
It can be so scary
when you're out on your own.
Take my hankie, dry your tears.
You'll find lots of things to do
and you'll probably make new friends.
I promise we'll be together
when the school day ends.
Here comes the teacher,
blow your nose and be brave.
Come on now wipe your eyes,
this is no way to behave.
"Well, good morning teacher.
We really must beg your pardon.
No, MOMMY doesn't always act this way.
But it's my first day of....KINDERGARTEN!"

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