Monday, December 7, 2009

Character Qualities

I've decided that as part of my curriculum I'd like to explore character qualities. The depth to which I can explore them will depend on the age group I ultimately end up with, but I feel that we can all benefit from examining that which builds a person's character. If I have toddlers, I will probably focus on one quality per month. Similarly, if I have preschoolers I would focus on one quality per month but they may differ slightly. It would look something like this, order TBD.

1. SELF-CONTROL (turn-taking, sharing, waiting in line, patience)
2. HONESTY (tell the truth, accept responsibility)
3. LOVE (being accepting, giving, caring)
4. FLEXIBILITY (able to adjust to change)
5. RESPECT (good manners, help others, listen to adults, kind words)
6. SENSITIVITY (understanding feelings, aware of emotions in self and others)
7. RESPONSIBILITY (good choices, accept consequences, good listener)
8. GENTLENESS (show personal care and concern, speak and act kindly)
9. SECURITY (what/who makes me feel safe and secure)
10. PERSEVERANCE (try, learn, work hard, be determined)
11. GRATEFULNESS (be thankful for what you have, give thanks)
12. FAIRNESS (share, take turns, cooperate, appreciate differences)

1. RESPONSIBILITY (good choices, accept consequences, good listener)
2. COMPASSION (be kind, helpful, considerate)
3. RESPECT (good manners, help others, listen to adults, kind words)
4. TRUSTWORTHINESS (be dependable, keep promises, tell the truth)
5. FAIRNESS (share, take turns, cooperate, appreciate differences)
6. ORDERLINESS (organized, thorough, time-aware)
7. CITIZENSHIP (be a good classmate/friend, respect the rules, do your best)
8. SELF-DISCIPLINE (do a good job, respectful words, best use of time)
9. HONESTY (tell the truth, accept responsibility)
10. INTEGRITY (be loyal, be your best, doing the right thing)
11. INITIATIVE (recognizing and doing what needs to be done before being asked)
12. TOLERANCE (accepting others)

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