Sunday, April 26, 2009

Beginning Letter Scavenger Hunt

Beginning readers and writers take lots of pride in their names! It's often one of the first words a child will learn to write. Face it, when you are new to a school setting, seeing and hearing your VERY OWN name is generally a pretty cool thing. MY cubby. MY desk. MY school supplies. MY NAME!

Begin by having your child write their name on a paper bag. You may or may not need to assist. Provide plenty of supplies to decorate the bag. Explain that you are going on a scavenger hunt to find objects that also start with the same letter of their name. You might let them circle the letter to reinforce its significance. Say the sound several times as you search through the house.

Set a goal by years in age, for example, if the child is 3, finding 3 items is a good goal to search for. Help as much as needed or until interest turns elsewhere.

*Variation: Circle another letter in your child's name and find things that start with that letter.

*Variation: Find the letter in printed words or pictures from a magazine. Cut out and glue to the bag.

*Variation: Read a book and look for their letter throughout.

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