Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Firefighter Fingerplay

Our recent preschool field trip to the firestation sparked an interest in C in all things firefighter. Here's a fingerplay for you to learn together. Try to remember, even after thirty-somethingth time performing, repetition is a positive thing! Fingerplays use fine motor development and hearing and discerning the sounds of language, as well as rhyming which kindergarten teachers like our kiddos to come prepared with.

A Firefighter

This brave fireman is going to bed

hold up right thumb

Down on the pillow he lays his head

right thumb on left palm

Wraps himself in his blanket tight

curl fingers around thumb

And plans to sleep this way all night

close eyes

But the fire alarm rings! He opens his eyes!

open eyes

Quickly he's dressed and down the pole he slides

right hand slides down left arm

in a grip from elbow to wrist

Then he climbs on the truck to go, go, go!

hands manipulate imaginary steering wheel

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